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Welcome to My New Brand! 25% Off Discount Code Below!

Writer's picture: Samantha MillsSamantha Mills

Updated: Mar 20, 2023

Creating and growing my company has been a beautiful journey. It feels like a lifetime ago that Beyond Body Images was created, but just as businesses grow so do people.

I finally have been walking in my own path as an intuitive healer and doing the work I have always dreamed of.

That is why I have rebranded and will now be formally known as SacredSessions.

Why? Because each session with every single client I have had or ever will have, is sacred to me.

It's a true sacred session.

I have been abundantly blessed already to have healed many people by being the vessel of flow and love into their spirit.

Seeing someone's light shine so brightly as they open up their gifts and begin to sense how powerful they truly are is a humbling and breathe taking experience. I get to do this everyday and no words could ever describe the gratitude I feel for all of you.

Your support over the years, and helping me transition both online and locally here in Saint Louis has meant more to me than words could ever describe.

SacredSessions was created from my journey and my truth.

It is a safe space and one filled with love, abundance and the healing modalities that you need to step into the truest form your soul already knows you to be.

I am now not only offering Human Design Readings & follow ups, but I have become a Reiki Master with an incredibly strong gift to do it both in person and online (distant reiki).

The most important advancement I have made has been in becoming an advanced Theta healer. My intuition and connection with divine love and the creator of all that is has profoundly influenced my life in the most abundant ways.


Each time I get to share my services with you I also get to share my love, my time and have an opportunity to do what I can to show you just how divinely perfect you are.

Below are my services both online & in person listed for easy access.

The most beautiful and wonderful part has been moving into the offices of Sage Skincare here in Saint Louis.

The women I get to work with everyday inspire me, uplift me and have shown me the power of unconditional love.

This location will be my new office space where I will be providing Human Design readings and ThetaHealing in person. (Reiki upon request).

All my services are available online as well, including distant Reiki and discovery calls!

I would love to see you in person if you are near or in St. Louis.

In addition to the services I'm offering, I will be leading a ThetaHealing Meditation Circle every other Tuesday at Sage Skincare from 6:45 pm to 7:30 pm. The circle is donation based and you can RSVP directly on my website.

My next few events are listed below.

As I grow my practice in this new space I ask that if you happen to know anyone who may be interested in stopping in for one of my services or doing a discovery call to learn more, please share with them. It would mean so much to me.

With that being said, it would be my honor to help you grow, heal or simply be someone who can hold space for you to talk freely without judgement, surrounded by unconditional love.


To save 25% enter code INTUITIVEHEALING at checkout! Coupon is Valid until April 14, 2023.

Seeing the people I serve healing and succeeding brings my heart space into complete love and tears fill my eyes. It is a reminder to myself that to be of service to this community and to all those who want to heal and grow is the fuel that lights my fire and gives me my purpose.

For any questions please don't hesitate to reach out via text or email.

Text/Phone: (573) 239-1356

Instagram: @thesacredsessions

New Office Address:

5257 Shaw Ave Unit 201

Saint Louis, MO 63110 United States

I love you all so much. May your day be filled with joyful encounters.

- Sammy Mills

CEO of SacredSessions

Advanced ThetaHealer

Human Design Specialist

Reiki Master

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Aug 10, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I'm so grateful to have met Sammy and experienced two sacred sessions so far! I learned a lot more about what makes me tick through my first ever Human Design reading. I also had a Theta healing (distant) that connected me with the ability to surrender what was keeping me stuck for many years. A truly dedicated healer, Sammy follows up in her supportive and compassionate way. Mahalo from Hawai'i !

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