Beyond Body Images Launches Apparel Store Dedicated to Promoting Body Positivity
February 3, 2021 – Led by Sammy Mills, Beyond Body Images is contributing to the fight against body shaming with a clothing line that welcomes its customers into a community that promotes body positivity.
Beyond Body Images BBI is committed to changing society’s notions of beauty and what counts for a good appearance. While BBI is dedicated to creating a safe place for people of all body sizes and forms to appreciate their uniqueness, it is also keen to help women make vital lifestyle changes entirely based on their interests, with no pressure. For every sale made, the company contributes 10% to a charity that is dedicated to helping women with eating disorders get better. Some of the charities that BBI works with include ANAD, MOEDA , NEDA, and more.
Only a while ago, Sammy Mills, founder of Beyond Body Images, suffered agony and social exclusion due to her eating disorders. She could not eat normally, not even on Christmas. Eating disorders are often brushed to the side and tagged “not serious” but not according to Sammy who has had first hand experience. Her eating disorders affected her relation to her friends and family. Sammy then decided to act, and transform the very notion of the ‘ideal body’ and what it meant to be ‘body positive’. Her brand, Beyond Body Images, is based on the motto: “beauty has no brand”
As a body-positive movement, Beyond Body Images has received plenty positive reviews for the quality of its apparel and uplifting designs. BBI’s online store caters to both women and men. Some of its products include beanies, necklaces, tote bags, T-shirts, joggers, polos, dresses and more, all designed creatively to promote body positivity.
“People follow me because I am a person before a company. I am reachable and care and that is how I reach people the most,” says Sammy.
Setting up an online store was just Sammy’s first step to promoting body positivity. She is currently undergoing training to become an accredited life coach and mentor. Sammy revealed that she relishes the opportunity to work directly with people who are eager to learn how base their self-worth on what’s inside rather than their physical appearances..
“I have founded BBI as a brand that is worth believing in. I want to fight for the prevention of body shaming every day. I want to build connections that empower people willing to take on a challenging battle, that between society’s notions of what’s beautiful vs. our choice to reclaim beauty without a brand!” says Sammy.
Beyond Body Images invites more people to embrace its brand and message of positivity. A fundraiser to help people with eating disorders is scheduled imminent and Sammy hopes that it will be a success.
For more information, please visit:
Sammy Mills
Beyond Body Images (LLC)
United States